Monday, August 1, 2011

Schedule Changes

Schedules are going to change a few times before they settle down for the school year. Please be patient as they are in flux. I hope to keep you informed as things change.

Julie is back after being gone for the past two weeks so there is an option of an 8:00 class again.
Phil is here for only one more week. His last day will be August 5. On the 8th he leaves for the Marines.
We may cancel the 6am class after Phil leaves if there is no more interest in that time. If this is the only time that works for you please let me know.

Next week due to our vacation there may be only two options for classes, 8am and 5pm. I will let you know as soon as possible when I am sure what can be offered. August 15 we should have a schedule that we can keep for the year. Right now I'm thinking 8am, 11am, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm. We can add a 3pm class if need arises or go back to 6am if that becomes necessary. Please let me know what works best for you.

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