Monday, January 30, 2012

WOD's for the Week

I just realized in the 6:30 class this morning that I never put the WOD's up on the blog. Sorry about that for those of you that want to check and see what we are doing before you get to the gym.

MONDAY 1-30-12 (Burpee Day 30)
10-20-30 reps for time:
Wall Ball Shots (20, 14)
Walking Lunge Steps
Overhead Squats (95, 65)

TUESDAY 1-31-12 (Burpee Day 31)
21-15-9 reps for time:
Handstand Push-ups
Ring Dips

WEDNESDAY 2-1-12 (Burpee Day 32)
For time:
150 KB Swings (53, 35)

THURSDAY 2-2-12 (Burpee Day 33)
Back Squats
Advanced = 1.5 x body weight
Elite = 2 x body weight

FRIDAY 2-3-12 (Burpee Day 34)
For time:
1000 meter Row
21-15-9 reps:
Front Squat (135, 95)
Back Extensions (on the GHD)

SATURDAY 2-4-12 (Burpee Day 35)
Open Gym
make up a new work out or do an old one you missed

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Save the Date

It was about this time last year that Corey and Ellen told us that they were leaving town. That was a sad day for all of us but I believe God brings good things out of bad and a month later we opened Southeast Fitness & Conditioning. I want to thank all of you that continued coming and believed in me. I want to thank you too for spreading the word about what an awesome program CrossFit is and bringing in new family members and friends. Thank you to all of you that come and work hard every week. You are what makes our gym successful.

In appreciation for you and to celebrate our upcoming 1 year anniversary I want to plan a party on Monday, February 20, 2012. (That just happens to be Mark Guilliams Birthday too so we can party a little extra for him.) It also is President's Day and a holiday. I have talked to Renee and Dylan about cancelling their classes so we can meet at El Torero's in Jackson, for dinner at 6:30 or so. We can discuss how many want to come at 8am and 4pm before we party and continue with those classes if you want.

Your families are invited and dinner and drinks are on us. Sign up if you can come so we will know how many tables we need. Let me show you how much I appreciate all of you!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weather Conditions

If it is raining on Thursday for the planned 5K we can swap Friday's workout for Thursday. If it happens to be raining both days I will make up a new workout for Friday. Running a few 400's in the rain isn't that big of a problem but the whole workout in the rain or drizzle will be a real drag. I won't make you do that.

WOD's for the Week

We made such improvements in all of our squats that I am keeping the warm up and mobility stretches the same for this week as last. For all Wall Balls, Cleans, Thrusters use a target ball for your butt. Squat depth is very important and we could all use a check on whether we are going far enough at times.

MONDAY 1-23-12  (Burpee Day 23)
"Elizabeth" for time:
Clean (135, 95) - full squat, use a target ball
Ring Dips

TUESDAY 1-24-12 (Burpee Day 24)
5 Rounds for time:
12 Wall Ball Shots (20, 14) - use a target ball again
12 Toes to Bar

WEDNESDAY 1-25-12 (Burpee Day 25)
Split Snatch - rather than a full squat, use a split stance to receive the weight

then: AMRAP in 8 minutes:
3 Split Snatch @ 50% of max
6 Pistols - alternate legs
9 Double Unders

THURSDAY 1-26-12 (Burpee Day 26)
5K Run for time
*new route - the old one was a bit short, but it gave us great times!

FRIDAY 1-27-12 (Burpee Day 27)
"Jackie" for time:
Row 1000 meters
50 Thrusters (45, 35) - again, use a target ball
30 Pull-ups

SATURDAY 1-28-12 (Burpee Day 28)
Come in and make up a day that you missed or make up a workout that you would prefer to do.

Class Sign-ups

There are some class times that no one signs up for but people plan on just showing up during that time. That is fine to just show up if others are going to be there anyway. If a trainer thinks there is going to be no one there, they may not want to come into town to check and see if someone wants to just show up. If you have not signed up and want to show up for a class please let the trainer for that hour know so they will be there. Call me at home or at the gym to let me know. Call Renee or Dylan on their cell phones so they can plan to be there for you. I am going to leave it up to the trainer for that hour to cancel class if no one has signed up before class. The busy classes will still be busy enough that you can come whether or not you have signed up. The class at 6pm on Friday and the 10am class on Saturday tend to be hours that can be busy or have no one. We will continue to offer those classes for anyone who wants to come but please let us know so the trainers don't waste their time preparing for no one.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Catching Up on Burpees

For those of you that haven't kept up everyday with your Burpees, DON'T BE DISCOURAGED! Start where you are on the current day and don't worry about the days you have missed. Just keep up for now and make up the missing days later 10 or so at a time over the next week or two as you are able. The only requirement is that you have them all done by the 100th day. You have plenty of time to make them up, if you don't get behind anymore it will be easy to catch up these early days. If you make catching up a requirement for going on it becomes overwhelming. Just go on and catch up later. Keep going, you can do this!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

WOD's for the Week

I have some new moves for our warm-ups this week. We are all going to participate in "Squat Therapy". Many people say there is no problem with their squat and they are right. Some say they only have trouble when they get tired. Others are so much improved compared to when they first started that I forget there is room for improvement. So for all of us, this week is a time to check and see that we are doing squats correctly and deep enough every time.

Let me also point out that the stretches after the WOD's are very important. Many people are in a hurry to leave and I understand time crunches. Please do the stretches some time that day so that you can maintain your flexibility or make improvements on it that will help you in other movements. When you are building muscles it is super important to stretch them out. Flexibility is an issue in being able to do many of the movements correctly.

MONDAY 1-16-12 (16 Burpees)
"Tabata This"
Tabata Row (for calories)
rest 1 minute
Tabata Squat
rest 1 minute
Tabata Pull-up
rest 1 minute
Tabata Push-up
rest 1 minute
Tabata Sit-up
lowest number of reps in an interval is the score for that Tabata. add all scores for total
i.e. 4, 13, 9, 10, 8=44

TUESDAY 1-17-12 (17 Burpees)
"Annie" for time:
Double Unders - for the board, must be all successful DU's

WEDNESDAY 1-18-12 (18 Burpees)
AMRAP in 20 minutes
2 Muscle-ups (6 Pull-ups and 6 Ring Dips)
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 KB Swings (70, 53)

THURSDAY 1-19-12 (19 Burpees)
10 Rounds for time:
15 Deadlifts (135, 95)
15 Push-ups

FRIDAY 1-20-12 (20 Burpees)
"Kelly" or "Baby Kelly"
5 Rounds or 3 Rounds for time:
Run 400 Meters
30 Box Jumps (24, 20)
30 Wall Balls (20, 14)

SATURDAY 1-21-12 (21 Burpees)
Max Weightlifting Day
your choice of lift

Sunday, January 8, 2012

WOD's for the Week

We are back from our trip and ready for a new week. We kept up with our burpees, how about you? It will be very important soon to keep up every day. You may make up missed days but you are not allowed to work ahead. Burpees done in the workout of the day count towards your missed burpees and for that days burpees but you may not store them up if you do more than required. Keep going, one week down!

MONDAY 1-9-12 (9 Burpees)
3 Rounds for time:
400 Meter Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (53, 35)
12 Pull-ups

TUESDAY 1-10-12 (10 Burpees)
Max Cleans
Advanced = 1x bodyweight
Elite = 1.5x bodyweight

WEDNESDAY 1-11-12 (11 Burpees)
Complete for time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
*this is supposed to be done as written, 100 Pull-ups then move on but feel free to scale and do 4 rounds of 25 each, but not for the board.

THURSDAY 1-12-12 (12 Burpees)
"Last Ascent"
5-10-15 reps for time:
Back Squat (225, 155)
Box Jumps (24, 20)

FRIDAY 1-13-12 (13 Burpees)
4 Rounds for time:
400 Meter Run
50 Squats
*Dress in layers, it may be cold. You may substitute Rowing 500 Meters if you need.

SATURDAY 1-14-12 (14 Burpees)
Make up a WOD together or Open Gym and you can do a wod from the past week that you missed.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Saturday Workout 1-7-12

I am going to be out of town and Dylan has taken off the day at work to teach my Friday classes. He is, however, on call for surgery on Saturday. If no one signs up he may not come to open the gym. If you plan on being here to workout on Saturday please sign up. If nothing else Dylan will know who to call and tell whether he can be there or not. If one person signs up he will come but if he gets called in he will only call that one person to let them know. Don't shy away from signing up because there might not be a class. Hope for the best.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

WOD's for the Week

MONDAY 1-2-12 (Burpee Day 2)
3 Rounds for time:
40 Push Press
30 Squats
20 Ring Dips
10 Double Unders

TUESDAY 1-3-12 (Burpee Day 3)
21-15-9 for time:
Thrusters (95, 65)

WEDNESDAY 1-4-12 (Burpee Day 4)
21-15-9 for time:
Box Jumps (24, 20)
KB Swings (53, 35)
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75, 55)

THURSDAY 1-5-12 (Burpee Day 5)
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
15 Overhead Squats (135, 95)
10 Knees to Elbows
5 Handstand Push-ups

FRIDAY 1-6-12 (Burpee Day 6)
"CrossFit Total"
Back Squat + Shoulder Press + Deadlift
     1-1-1           1-1-1          1-1-1
add the best of each lift for "total" score

SATURDAY 1-7-12 (Burpee Day 7)
Sign up and make up a work out with Dylan. Or you can have Dylan make one up but you never know what you might get that way. I will be out of town Friday - Sunday so Dylan will take charge of the Friday and Saturday classes that I would normally teach. Have fun and keep up with your burpees!

Burpee Challenge Started

The Burpee Challenge has officially started. I did my first Burpee this morning, did you? If you want to join the challenge but didn't sign up you may still participate. It will not be hard to catch up if you decide soon. Don't wait too late. You may also do your burpees for part of your warm ups if you need.

Good Luck, do your best to try to keep up everyday.