Sunday, February 24, 2013

Wods for the week 2-25-13 thru 3-2-13

Thanks to everyone who made our anniversary dinner a success. There were 37 people who came and joined in the party at least for a short time. You are the reason we have a gym to celebrate with and I appreciate everyone of you.

MONDAY 2-25-13
AMRAP in 7 minutes:
7 Deadlift (315, 215)
50' Sprint (from one wall to the other)
14 Pistols (alternate legs)
21 Double Unders
50' Sprint

TUESDAY 2-26-13
7 Rounds for time of:
7 Push Jerk (155, 105)
7 Pull-ups
7 Burpees

"Hope for Kenya"
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
50 Squats
30 Push-ups
15 Pull-ups

THURSDAY 2-28-13
Hang Squat Clean

Hang Power Clean

FRIDAY 3-1-13
3 Rounds for time:
800 Meter Run
Rest 2 minutes
score each 800 meter run for time

Open Gym from 8-10 with Dylan

Monday, February 18, 2013

Wods for the week 2-18-13 thru 2-23-13

I totally forgot to post these on the blog last night. Renee asked if I was making you all guess. That's a fun idea. Maybe we can try it another week.

MONDAY 2-18-13
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
10 KB Swings (70, 53)*
10 Box Jumps (24)
10 Ring Dips
*try heavy and high and get fewer rounds.

TUESDAY 2-19-13
Power Clean*
*not a full squat under the bar
30 Clean and Jerk (135, 95)**
**full squat under the bar
"Baby Grace"
30 Hang Power Clean and Overhead (65)

AMRAP in 45 minutes:
800 Meter Run
80 Squats
8 Muscle-ups (24 Pull-ups and 24 Ring Dips)

"Baby Hortman"
3 Rounds for time:
800 Meter Run
20 Squats
20 Pull-ups
20 Ring Dips

THURSDAY 2-21-13
2 Rounds for time:
100 Double Unders
50 Shoulder to Overhead (95, 65)
25 Toes to Bar

Double Unders
Push Press (65)
Toes to Bar

FRIDAY 2-22-13
"Jackie" for time:
1K Row
50 Thrusters (45, 35)
30 Pull-ups

SATURDAY 2-23-13
Open gym with Dylan from 8am to 10am. Do a wod you missed or work on a skill until you get it.

Then in the evening at 6:30 come to Kimbleland Country Club (in Jackson) to celebrate our second anniversary as a gym. Dinner is on us. Please bring your families to meet your exercise family. Sign up sheet is on the board so we know how many people to expect. Thanks to everyone who has helped make this year a success.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Wods for the week 2-11-13 thru 2-16-13

MONDAY 2-11-13
For time:
Double Unders*
*If you can't do very many Double Unders but you can do some, try them all and count each attempt.
If you can't get any Double Unders do 3:1 Singles

TUESDAY 2-12-13
Shoulder Press
Mom wod:
5 Rounds for time:
10 Shoulder Press (75)
10 Lunges
mini wod after max lift:
AMRAP in 7 minutes:
10 Shoulder Press at 50% of max weight
10 Lunges

Muscle-ups (3x Pull-ups and Ring Dips)
Squat Snatch (135, 95)*
* drop the weight until you can do a full squat in this movement, no power snatches.

THURSDAY 2-14-13
4 Rounds for time:
400 Meter Run
50 Squats

FRIDAY 2-15-13
For time:
50 Wall Ball Shots
40 Double Unders
30 Kettle Bell Swings
20 Lunging Waiters Walk (10 each hand)
10 Box Jumps
*choose your own weights and heights, choose wisely, but push yourself.

SATURDAY 2-16-13
Open Gym with Dylan 8-10am
Do a wod you missed earlier in the week. Learn a new skill like pull-ups, rope climbs, double unders.....

Sunday, February 3, 2013

2nd Anniversary Celebration

I am looking at Saturday, February 23, 2013 as a possible date to celebrate our second Anniversary. I will look into possible venues this week and let you know. Be sure to save the date if you can. Let me know if you have any conflicts already. I'm thinking dinner celebration again with families of anyone who can come.

Also we need to celebrate Dylan's faithful service. His job is changing and he will no longer be able to train the 6pm class. He is not really gone, however, and will be available on most Saturdays. He has some great ideas for "open gym" events. Check them out when you can.

 In his place Nathan will be our 6pm trainer. Because he has some other obligations, there will be a little bit of juggling of trainers. I will be the trainer for the 6pm class for the next two Wednesdays and for every 6pm Friday class. Nathan will be trading me for the 4pm class on Friday. Then after two weeks Brian will be the trainer for the 6pm Wednesday class. If this is too confusing to follow, don't worry. All you need to do is sign up for the classes you want to come to and see who the trainer is when you come in. I promise you, whoever the trainer is, you'll get a good workout, just like always.

Wods for the week 2-4-13 thru 2-9-13

 I have been told by Phillip that I am doing a disservice to some of the women in our gym. By giving alternate weights for women to do Rx wods some women that are strong enough to do more are stopping at the more convenient weight. I do not want to be a hindrance to anyone's fitness! I would like to start an experiment this week. If there is a weight listed for a wod everyone should aim for that weight. As always, you may and should, scale anything as needed. Let's push onward toward faster, stronger and fitter. Choose appropriately and let me know how it goes this week.

MONDAY 2-4-13
3 Rounds for time:
30 Pull-ups
30 Deadlift - 155#*
30 Box Jumps - 24"*
* try to scale only as needed

TUESDAY 2-5-13
7 Rounds for time:
10 Med Ball Cleans
10 Burpees

Clean & Jerk (choose your own weight)
Touch and go on the floor only, no re-grip off the floor, no dumping, if you do this is a "Foul" and you must start that round over. Rest as needed between rounds, score is load (weight), not time.

"Tabata Whatever"
4 consecutive "Tabatas" for total reps:
Jumping Back Squats (choose your sand bag weight)
Pistols - alternate legs
Ring Rows

FRIDAY 2-8-13
7 Rounds for time:
1 Rope Climb
10 Wall Ball Shots (20, 14)
15 KB Swings (53, 35)
20 Double Unders

Dylan will not be available but I will be there for "Open Gym" from 8 to 10am. Sign up if you want to come anytime on Saturday during those two hours.