Sunday, December 25, 2011

WOD's for part of the Week

It's Christmas and I haven't planned the whole week of WOD's.

I will let you know what we will do tomorrow and then add more tomorrow for the rest of the week.

MONDAY 12-26-11
Double Unders with 5 Burpees between each set ending with 5 Double Unders

Rest 5 minutes then complete 100 KB Swings for time (53, 35)

I have the rest now! The first WOD was from Leslie Walker from the gym she visited in San Diego. The rest of the week is from Lydia from her gym in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She says they were fun ones!

TUESDAY 12-27-11
AMRAP in 5 minutes:
7 Med Ball Cleans (20, 14)
7 Drive the Bus* (35, 25)

3 minutes rest then:

AMRAP in 12 minutes:
7 Toes to Bar
7 Jumping Back Squats (45, 35)
7 Box Jumps (24, 20)
*Driving the bus is holding a plate straight out in front of you at shoulder level and turning the wheel so your right hand is on top then your left hand is on top. That equals 1 Drive. Lydia says they are fun but she never wants to be a bus driver.

WEDNESDAY 12-28-11
3 Rounds for time:
30 Front Squats (135, 95)
20 Ring Dips

THURSDAY 12-29-11
6 Rounds for time:
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with KB's (53, 35)
20 Weighted Scissor Kicks* (35, 25)
10 Pull-ups
10 Decline Push-ups (24, 20) toes on box, legs straight, chin to floor
*Scissor Kicks-sit in a V on the floor with torso up and legs up, hold plate above torso and kick legs. Right and left leg equals 1 kick

FRIDAY 12-30-11
3 Rounds for time:
10 Deadlift (225, 155)
7 Wall Walks-chest to wall is Rx, hips to wall is acceptable scale

SATURDAY 12-31-11
Don't party too much that you can't start your Burpee Challenge the next day! You only have to do one burpee that day so that shouldn't strain anyone too much. Sign your name to the list and initial your dates as you go for the challenge. There will be rewards!

Paleo Challenge is on your own. If you want we can record weights and measurements before the first and you can record your food log. The rewards there will be your own but I will recognize anyone who completes the month on our blog so everyone can congratulate you for your efforts.

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