Sunday, March 24, 2013

Wods for the week 3-25-13 thru 3-30-13

If you check out what the wods are on the blog each week you can still find out what is coming. You will need to go to our website at and check out the wods page. There will be pictures as I can take them, or get them from someone else, on the inspiration section of the blog page. I will include recipes as I get them from you. I will keep posting the wods for now on both this blog and our website but I will soon discontinue this blog as we figure out how to use the better website. For now this is the week before Easter. Get ready for the "bunny" wod on Friday! This might be confusing to explain but it should be very fun. We will use those sticks for counting rounds now.

MONDAY 3-25-13
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
4 Shoulder Press (75, 55)
8 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75, 55)
12 Front Squat (75, 55)
*pick the weight that you need and use one bar for all of the lifts.

TUESDAY 3-26-13
CrossFit Games Open 13.3
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
150 Wall Ball Shots (20, 14)
90 Double Unders
30 Muscle-ups*
*if you make it this far do 3 Pull-ups and 3 Ring Dips for each muscle-up.

AMRAP in 18 minutes:
Run 200 meters (Row 250 meters)
9 Deadlift (275, 185)
6 Burpee Pull-ups

THURSDAY 3-28-13
Overhead Squat
mini wod:
Overhead Squats at 60% of max weight

FRIDAY 3-21-13
"Good Friday-Bunny Wod"
10 Rounds for time:
1st Round--Take one stick from your cup and squat to place it on the ground.
                    Stand up and squat again to pick up the stick.
                    Place the stick on the edge of your box to count your rounds.
                    Walk around your box then do one Burpee Box Jump.
2nd Round--Take another stick from your cup and squat to place it on the ground.
                    Take the stick off the edge of your box and squat again to place it on the ground.
                    Squat to pick up one stick and place it on your box.
                    Squat again to pick up the other stick and place it on your box.
                    Walk around your box one time and do 2 Burpee Box Jumps.
3rd Round--Keep repeating this pattern until you have completed 10 rounds with sticks and Burpee Box Jumps. Happy Easter!

SATURDAY 3-30-13
Open Gym 8-10am with Dylan

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