Friday, February 3, 2012


If anyone can't think of what to do with their tax refund this year let me help you out with a suggestion. You can take advantage of the newly offered discounts for training fees. If you pay 12 months in advance with your massive refund you can save $25 per person per month. That adds up to a savings of $300 per year! If your refund is smaller that that you can save $20 per month if you pay 9 months in advance, $15 per month for 6 months and the usual $10 per month for 3 months in advance that we have always offered.

Besides money I will also accept suggestions for workouts that you would like to see in the near future. If you don't see me often enough to remember to tell me what you would like, write it on a scrap of paper from the office and put it in the gray box by the office window. I'll get it and take it seriously into consideration for future weeks.

P.S. Keep up with your Burpees. It is getting to be more important every day that you don't get behind. If you are already behind keep going with the day we are on and catch up later. As long as you are done by April 9th when we will do 100 Burpees for time as our WOD. Looking forward to it!

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