Sunday, April 22, 2012


I have been asked to put up the results of each day from the white board on the blog but I think I'm not going to be able to get that done. I am going to try something new though in regards to pictures. I am not a very good photographer when all is calm and I'm even worse when I'm distracted by doing something like training. The camera I have can be used, however, by anyone else that has a free hand. I'm going to try to leave the camera in the gym and take it home once in a while to post some of the pictures you all take. Try your hand, and take as many pictures as you can. It's digital so there is nothing to waste. Any bad shots I will edit out so don't worry about indiscreet photos on the blog. Hopefully we can start to see some workout photos of our people on our blog. Start taking pictures and I will start posting them.

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