For those of you finishing the burpee challenge, this is your last day! I don't care if you do the 100 Burpees for time as the workout on Monday or just do them. Whatever you do get them done and any you have to make up before you go to sleep Monday night. Then pick up your well deserved shirt and wear it with pride!
MONDAY 4-9-12 (Burpee Day 100)!!!!!!!!!
For time:
100 Burpees
*touch an object 6" above your flat footed standing reach with both hands for the jump on each Burpee. We will be putting new records on the board according to these standards.
3 Rounds for time of:
40 Push Press (65, 45)
30 Squats
20 Ring Dips
10 Double Unders
WEDNESDAY 4-11-12 (Still No Burpees)
5 Rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
15 Overhead Squats (95, 65)
THURSDAY 4-12-12 (No Burpees Yet)
800 Meter Run then
10 Rounds of:
10 Knees to Elbows
10 Hug a Twinky
800 Meter Run
*Hug a Twinky is leaning over the seat on the GHD holding onto the foot pads, raise your feet as far over your head as you can resting your chest on the seat. Slowly lower your legs back to the floor, that's one.
FRIDAY 4-13-12 (No Burpees)
"Tabata Something Else"
4 Consecutive Tabatas for total number of reps:
Squats (Bottom-to Bottom)
SATURDAY 4-14-12 (Burpees None)
Box Jumps (24, 20)
KB Swings (53, 35)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75, 55)
I did a little online research and Royal Huddleston Burpee is given the credit for making the Burpee exercise famous. He served in the Navy during WWI. He received a bachelor's degree in physical education from City College of New York, a master's degree in accounting from New York University and doctoral degree from Columbia University. He developed a series of physical tests to be used in screening recruits for WWII and wrote a book/thesis “Seven Quickly Administered Tests of Physical Activity.” It is not known if he invented the Burpee or just popularized it. It is also called a "Squat-Thrust." He worked for the Greater New York YMCA for 50 years and died at age 89, January 14th 1987. June 4th this year he would have been 115 years old. Some CrossFit gyms started a 115 day Burpee Challenge this past February 11th that will end on his 115th B-day (6,670 Burpees later) June 4th. Some of you may now feel cheated and might want to continue your Burpee challenge just another 15 days honor of Royal H. Burpee. For me, I pretty pleased with 100 days and 5,050 Burpees. Next year we could, uh maybe, uh do 116 days of Burpees!
ReplyDeleteI'm good with only 100 days. Sorry Royal, Happy Birthday anyway.