Monday, February 20, 2012

WOD's for the Week

Sorry I'm late putting these up on the blog. We had a great trip to Iowa to see Lydia though! She says hi to all of you and hopes you are all also working hard in your WOD's. Her bio paragraph for the play she was working on ended with 3..2..1..Go! What a CrossFitter!

MONDAY 2-20-12 (Burpee Day 51)
Work on your WORST heavy lift for a new PR.
Ask Melissa, Barbie and Nathan what a difference an experienced coach makes! I'm paying attention and learning a lot from Phillip.

TUESDAY 2-21-12 (Burpee Day 52)
For Time:
Thrusters (135, 95)
Muscle-ups (scaled with toes on a box behind you)

WEDNESDAY 2-22-12 (Burpee Day 53)
3 Rounds for time:
800 Meter Run
25 Box Jumps (24, 20)
16 One arm KB Clean and Jerk (35, 26)
*alternate arms, 8 on each side

THURSDAY 2-23-12 (Burpee Day 54)
5 Rounds for time:
10 Push-ups
20 Abmat Sit-ups
30 Air Squats

FRIDAY 2-24-12 (Burpee Day 55)
3 Rounds for time:
50 Push Press (45, 35)
25 Wall Ball Shots (20, 14)

SATURDAY 2-25-12 (Burpee Day 56)
Let me know if you want to have a class, or "open gym" to come in and make up a workout you missed, or if you would like to have a "share the pain" day.

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